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Timothy James Smith (me) was born in 1949 in Mississippi. Around 6th grade I began to move away from Christianity (my family was very active in the church), and started a life-long search for wider - and deeper meanings, starting with Plato and Western Philosophy.
In 1967 I met my teacher, Anthony Damiani, who graciously introduced me to the writings of Paul Brunton, Plotinus, Vedanta, Jung, and Astrology. Over the next 17 years, until his death, Anthony did his best to bludgeon the truth into my resistant mind, with some success.
In 1979 I had the honor of serving as Paul Brunton's secretary, which led to the assignment of co-editing his posthumous works (with Paul Cash). These works are published as The Notebooks of Paul Brunton. I also began my work as a professional astrologer at that time, and have continued it until the present. In the early 1990's I visited Sri Shankaracarya in India several times, deepening my relationship to Hinduism, which I now teach. I live on 60 acres in upstate New York with my wife, 3 cats, and a variety of statuary, toys, friends, and family.
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